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Absolute Automation is a recognised partner of Control Techniques, therefor the Absolute Store is an online supplier of the full range of Control Techniques products such as their range of inverters S100 / C200 / C300 / M700 / SP / F600 etc., inverter options SI / SM and accessories such as keypads and communications leads.
Absolute Store is part of the Absolute Automation Group. Absolute Store currently operates out of the Absolute Automation Group premises, where we have a physical stock location and members of the team on hand to assist with enquires and dispatch of equipment.
Absolute Store now supports multiple countries for online sales. UK wide shipping is available or customer collection for multiple countries.
Please contact us direct to discuss worldwide shipping requirements if you would like Absolute Store to dispatch your goods to a country currently not listed.
Absolute Store strives to meet all your Control Techniques hardware requirements.